“We can’t let the social issues we face outpace the solutions; with the right tools we can all be an effective changemaker”
- Founder of Davis and Associates
Changemakers assemble is our online toolkit and learning platform where you can join courses, download resources or create changemaking networks.
the essential toolkit for impact
changemakers assemble
Developing and implementing solutions to complex social issues requires a unique set of skills which goes beyond understanding the issue you are trying to solve. Many of the changemakers we work with tell us they had to learn these skills ‘on the job’. Of course this takes time, which todays social issues do not have to wait. Changemakers assemble aims to help accelerate the learning process and give individuals the tools they need to make an impact in the world.
prefer more interaction? we can deliver virtually or in person
Our online learning packages are a great option for individuals who would like to learn at their own pace, in their own time. Any of these packages can be facilitated by one of our highly skilled associates virtually or in person which may be a better option if you have a group of individuals who would like these essential skills and tools.